Google On Right Way To Do Paid Guest Posts

John Mueller from Google offers a method for publishing compensated guest posts that Google approves

Google On Right Way To Do Paid Guest Posts

In response to a concern regarding paying for guest articles, John Mueller of Google provides sound guidance on how to handle paid guest posts in a way that Google will accept.

Recent Guest Posts History

Paid or unpaid guest articles are an outdated strategy, a lemon whose "link juice" has long since been squeezed out to the rind.

Google's Matt Cutts advised SEOs in a blog post from 2014 to "put a fork in it," as guest blogging has reached its expiration date.

A few months later, Google began to penalize people and platforms for guest blogging, including one SEO whose website received a penalty for having only five guest pieces published.

Google no longer imposes penalties as frequently as it once did.

It merely prevents the links from transmitting PageRank.

That makes it difficult to determine whether a connection is active or not.

People continue to guest post because there isn't any punitive feedback.

John Mueller from Google on sponsored guest posts

Someone mentioned in a Google SEO Office Hours recording that they have to pay every site they contact for guest content.

They questioned whether it was against Google policy to pay for a guest post, even though it had "valuable content."

The query is this:

Today, the majority of websites simply provide the option to buy a "guest post" (to obtain a backlink) from them.

If I'm writing valuable material, does this violate Google's guidelines?

John Mueller's reply was:

"From what I can tell, you're headed in the correct direction.

Yes, it is against our spam policies to use guest posts as links.

It's crucial that these links are classified in a way that indicates they have no impact on search results.

Online SEO Summit

On October 25, discuss the future of search with prominent SEO authorities.

Guest Posts For Hire Are Advertising

Mueller highlights a crucial distinction between paid guest articles and advertising.

He's correct. Paid guest posts that include links are considered ads by Google.

This observation is significant because it shows that failing to label advertisements not only deceives readers but also runs afoul of laws that forbid deceptive advertising.

A lawyer should be consulted before deciding if something is lawful or not since the distinction between what is legal and what is prohibited might be fuzzy.

The Federal Trade Commission of the United States has published guidelines about native advertising that can be consulted for guidance on what constitutes an advertisement.

Paid Guest Posts Can Be Beneficial if Done Right

As long as the links are correctly designated with the nofollow link properties, guest writing can be a terrific way to promote your business.

Getting people to know a website or its products or services and making them aware of it in a positive way is half the battle of making it successful.Getting people to know a website or its products or services and making them aware of it in a positive way is half the battle of making it successful.

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